- -10%
Metabolites from Simildiet is a thermogenic dietary supplement and appetite suppressant, ideal for weight loss.
- Metabolites from Simildiet is a thermogenic dietary supplement and appetite suppressant, ideal for weight loss.
- Lipolytic indicated as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity in all its forms and manifestations: general and localized, predominantly gynoid or android.
- METABOLITES acts on the body's tendency to adiposity and fat accumulation.
- At the peripheral level, it acts on the lipolytic cascade (triglycerides-lipases) and promotes the activation of cyclic AMP, by reducing its synthesis and by inhibiting its degradation enzymes: phosphodiesterases.
- The products complement and enhance each other and cover all possibilities for a complete aesthetic and functional treatment.
- Enriched with hyaluronic acid, it is designed to be used with the most modern transdermal delivery systems and with the classic electro-medical systems applied in aesthetic medicine treatments.
These are formulas with a high concentration of reference active ingredients to durably reduce localized volumes, smooth orange peel skin, firm, reduce stretch marks, etc.
Chromium Picolinate, Green Tea Extract, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, L-Carnitica, Green Coffee Extract, Cocoa Extract, Citrus Aurantium Extract.
Application Protocol
It is recommended to take it as usual with meals, one before mid-morning and another in the afternoon.